Sweet Cranberry Walnut Veggie Salad

Sweet Cranberry Walnut Salad

I talk a lot about the making sure your daily meals consist multiple servings from Plant-Based Food Groups. The Primary Plant-Based Food Groups Vegetables πŸ₯¦ Fruits πŸ‰ Legumes πŸ› Grains 🍚 Nuts & Seeds πŸ₯œ This is the most effective way of eating to make sure you’re consuming well-balanced meals to meet your daily nutrients…

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Sweet Chili Spinach Avocado Salad

Spinach Avocado Salad

All Green Everything… Almost. Last night I was HUNGRY. Big problem tho, I was already over my calorie limit for the day. So I needed something that was not only satiating but low in calories! This was my saving grace and stuff My Fast & Filling Go-To Green Salad Bowl 🍲 (usually I’ll add Kale…

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Chipotle Seitan Salad

This is the most FIRE salad I’ve had in a while. PACKED with protein, that you can make in about 15 minutes. WHAT IS SEITAN? Pronounced “say-tan,”Β Seitan is a traditional Japanese food made by rinsing the starch away from wheat and retaining the protein. With an impressively meat-like texture and robust flavor, Seitan is both…

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